Yoga Retreats Bali

Global peace for women – Sacred feminine – Saraswati


GODDESS OF WISDOM (of everything that flows)

“Oh Goddess, increase my understanding”, “Sarasvati! make me like yourself” and “Sarasvati, may we remain immersed in you!”[31][3] – Sarasvati-rahasya Upanishad

saraswati gooddes of wisdom

I’ve been immersed once again in the hymns of Saraswati, washing away my ignorance; embracing the creative force! And, to my good fortune, Irish luck or karmic blessing (however you choose to see it) I have stumbled across a beautiful Upanishad inspired teacher of Advaita Vedanta .

One, who appears to me, to fully en-capture the unity message of the Two united elements of the universe – The Brahman – the source or the metaphysical principle (absolute) and Saraswati – the Shakti – the creative Shakta (energy/force/power) of Maya.

Do thou protect us, do thou preserve us”.[3][27] – Sarasvati-rahasya Upanishad

Sacred Feminine Rising


It was a warm relief after a frightening week of returning (after a year) to Buddha at the Gas Pump community group on Facebook (to see if anything had changed). I was saddened (a genuine emotion arose) to find the focus was a discussion of Mooji’s potential misuse of Power over young vulnerable women. In some cases, Justifying his possible abuses with Neo-advaita dictum. Dismissing trauma and the psychological effects, of his possible unwise cult like behavior, with ignorant tangents on ‘Karma as the cause’ and statements like “Maybe they have to go through this to reach enlightenment” and “Who are we to judge” I’m paraphrasing – I’m not a journalist – I’m an ordinary human being observing, looking for a little light in a world that has so much unnecessary suffering.


It was refreshing to fall into the arms of ‘Saraswati’ and Swamini Svatmavidyananda Saraswati expounding on Ahimsa. And to be reminded that perhaps if we go straight to the source, we may not have to add more suffering to our trauma to overcome our trauma.

The way out of Sanskara is surely not through creating more trauma. A very dangerous, half cooked salmonella like, notion of awakening : Neo-advaita at its best. One that dismisses union of wisdom and bhakta. Whether the teacher is innocent or not – these remarks leave my heart broken; Oh Saraswati.

Bali yoga 2019

Global Peace for Women

So we are left in the hands of a women. One that seems to have a grasp of the Gita, the Upanishads and Karma Yoga. I like it. Something feels right.

Swamini Svatmavidyananda Saraswati an internationally recognised scholar of Advaita Vedanta is the woman responsible for the All India Movement for Seva (AIM for Seva), a non-profit enabling rural Indian children to receive a proper education. As well as a founding member of the ‘ Global Womens’ Peace Initiative, where Swamini addresses contemporary issues of challenges facing the world, from global warming to religious/social unrest, through the core teachings of the upanishads.

saraswati power

The real sacred feminine

Values and Initiatives of the Women’s peace initiative

as shown on their website

Values in the service of life and connection, such as empathy, love, compassion, cooperation, and peacemaking have been the qualities characteristically associated with the feminine model for millennia. The inclusion of long-missing feminine values is a vital component to enable a greater holistic balance in society. The feminine paradigm is neither male nor female. Rather, it is the potential quality in men and women that fosters integration and interconnection.

Sacred Feminine programs

To balance the growing mindfulness movement, GPIW through the Contemplative Alliance has organized a series of dialogues on Awakening the Wisdom of the Heart. Mindfulness is a key spiritual principle but cannot reach its potential without an awakening of the heart.  It is love that heals.   It is love that enlivens and fulfills.  It is love that guides us through an inner whispering, and human progress now demands that we learn to turn within and listen.

AWAKENING THE WISDOM OF THE HEART: Protecting & Caring for Earth’s Community of Life

Charleston, South Carolina


Boulder, Colorado


Jaipur, India

 You can find more useful information and initiatives on their website if you are interested in the evolution of our planet and spiritual well-being. GPIW

Warm blessings


This article is not intended to be substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Nor, am I in anyway affiliated with the above mentioned people or organisations.

Women’s spiritual retreat Bali


Yoga bali for womenMegan Jackson runs meditation and yoga retreats for women. She has been immersed in spiritual practice and study for 15 years, living it fully, with humility and compassion as her backbones for progress. She lives a quiet life reflecting on the dharma, being with nature and helping others who are wanting change, transformation or spiritual wisdom.


Join Megan for her Meditation & Yoga Retreats in Bali 2020

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