Yoga Retreats Bali

5 Ways to embody yr Inner Power in 2020

Embrace your Inner Power in 2020

As we come whirling out of the heavy Saturn and Pluto energies, that saw half of Australia go up in flames and the world pause, as the American president played out his war-gaming (in real life), welcoming in 2020, I would be deeply compassionate to and not at all surprised if you were feeling some rational fear and somewhat browbeaten.

And, suffice to say we all underwent some kind of cryptic or blatantly obvious personal revelations, catastrophe or purging; either within our inner lens or from some immediately related outside source or event.

If you are still unsure of the outcome, the actual event or the cause, join the club… I mean for 2020 to unfold, we have to go through the entire 12 months. It’s only January!

As a counselor, or even an ordinary human being, I’ve had many people come to me with genuine fears and sufferings wanting some type of respite from the intensity of the sometimes baffling 3d world. It’s a tricky one because we can’t really say “Well, the sweet expansive Uranus water baring goddess vibes of Aquarius are just a sun and a moon ray away… “

Or Can we?

Maybe, but, probably not.

WE need something deeper. Something extra. A more satisfying irrefutable meme to get us through these planetary alignments. Something like 2021… oops, I mean something like a Joseph Campbell quote that fully embraces the truth of were we are at in our lives.

“It is by going down into the abyss
that we recover the treasures of life.

Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.

Joseph Campbell

Now, I don’t mean to scare you even more. The word abyss, like darkness, can cause further friction or discouragement. For us to truly grasp what is being asked of us we must understand this abyss. WE need to step quietly away from the initial reaction that the abyss is negative (although it can be).

What we speak of here is more of the unconscious, the unseen, the unknown. The creative impulses that are working away at our reality, the reactions or non reactions to life, that are creating our life. The stuff that goes on that we aren’t conscious of. The stuff that makes us ‘feel’ like a victim.

It’s true what the Buddha said “There is suffering in life”. It’s true that we are human and experience the limitations of that. And, it’s true that the energies of the planets effects the Earth and Us. But, it’s also true that we have choices, our individual roles, our potential to co-create.

It’s that Abyss remember? We need to step into it. To find out who we are!

And, as Buddhas also said “We can overcome suffering”. I think Buddha was talking about entering into this darkness, this not yet known, this mindfulness mindlessness. This greater wisdom.


We need to take stock, to find a way through this muddle, We can’t leave it up to our partners, our governments, our circumstances. They are what got us into this mess in the first place. Right?

We need to ask the big questions. What, why, when, how? Who?

Me! NOW! The why may or may not come later. The what will reveal itself in the abyss. The how will be a symptomatic happening of the Me and the Now and the knowing of the what!

Have I lost you like the Impeachment is losing it’s truth?

Bare with me I’m only just recently contemplated that the Lotus only lives for 3 days after it rises from all that time in all that mud. I’m still reeling from the butterfly, that only lives for three days after coming out of all the goo. The dark, transitioning unknown goo.

You can Choose the Inner Light

So we have a choice.

We let the old patriarchal, material reductionist, soul destroying, Earth depleting authoritarian dictators of the past (Saturn) continue to control our happiness or we dance with our inner light and join the party with the Aquarian (future) expansion and humanitarian liberator. She’s in your chart somewhere.. find her!

This is the treasure Joseph Campbell was talking about. Joseph suggests this treasure comes not only from the external goals, like relationships, career, home but also there is an unconscious inner goal. His works explore this in terms of a Core Essence, True Self, or Authentic Nature. And, he says it’s part of our purpose for being here.

Let’s do it!

5 Ways to embrace your Inner Power

Drop all knowledge you have and spend some time with yourself.

Don’t listen to me or anyone else for a while and drop all knowledge.

Science agrees that at least 90% of our reality is not able to be seen or measured. Therefore, most of what we think is true is not. To tap into your own inner truth and spirit spend some time away from others ideas and information sources.

Allow the silence to fill you and your inner light will shine and bring your own truth.

This will empower you to move about this world from a place of your own soul’s sovereignty. It may take some getting used to as our conditioned, scientific left brain minds have been overly developed in the Western world.

Meditation is key

Meditation is key to experiencing your inner light and wisdom.

If you really insist that you aren’t able to meditate then do something that stills the active mind chatter. When you do this you will be forming a connection with your inner sense of self, your authentic self. The treasures will rise as feelings or sensations underneath the doing.

Spend as much time in natural environments as you can

Natural environments help us to settle into a… well… a natural state. When we are centered in this way we connect with our deeper self, our true nature. Being in nature releases the tensions in the body and helps one to relax enough to make a space available to make contact with our inner power, our inner self.

Be still and contemplate A kōan

A koan is a riddle or puzzle that Zen Buddhists use during meditation to help them unravel greater truths about the world and about themselves.

AS we contemplate a koan, we let go of conditioned thoughts and chip away at the left brains authority, giving rise to a more creative sense of self. In this space we cultivate true power. Inner power.

Here is one I particularly enjoy from the Heart Sutra

“Form is emptiness
Emptiness is Form”

Put on some classical music and paint your feelings

Classical music brings us into a right brain freedom, relaxing our contracting left brain ideas and false knowledge.

It allows us a letting go and a coming into our feelings (not emotions), often emotions do arise, expressing and releasing them with paint and colours brings in clarity and opens us up to an inner power that can help us tap into a more authentic self and power.

In short:

  1. Drop all knowledge you have and spend some time with yourself.
  2. Meditation is key
  3. Spend as much time in natural environments as you can
  4. Contemplate a Koan
  5. Put on some classical music and paint your feelings

So as the first new moon of the this cycle we call 2020 bares it fruits of the past, what will you choose for the way forward?

A surrender to the old paradigm of a meaningless worthless world that is here for us to destroy and conquer or a surrender to the beautiful empowered purposeful soul that wants her 3 days of blossoming lotus?

It’s your choice!

Ps. The roots of the Lotus continue to produce new blossoming flowers. 6 each moon cycle.

Warm Blessings


Yoga bali for women

Megan Jackson runs meditation and yoga retreats for women’s healing. She has been immersed in spiritual practice and study for 15 years, living it fully, with humility and compassion as her backbones for progress. She lives a quiet life reflecting on the dharma, being with nature and helping others who are wanting change, transformation or spiritual wisdom.

Join her on the Meditation, healing and Yoga retreats in Bali 2020


All profits go towards WOMEN IN NEED PROJECT

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