Women's RetreatsYoga Retreats Bali

Kundalini Awakening – Dharma Yoga


Kundalini Awakening Yoga

Kundalini awakening is becoming a pop culture phenomena, usually misunderstood. With western culture aggrandizing it into a sexual or manifestation power that can be forced and controlled, for ones own purpose. Not True!

As introduced by the Yogic texts, Kundalini is a powerful life force. It is beyond the conception of the human mind and is that which creates us, not us it!

Therefore, Kundalini awakens in us. Not us it!

According to the Sanatana Dharma (Hindu traditions,) how the Shakti or force awakens is up to individual karma. That is, the intelligence of the energy itself directs the awakening – Something greater than our will – which wants to manifest itself and chooses the correct time to rise.

Bali kundalini retreat


Means a “spiral” or “coil”. In Yoga, Kundalini  or Shakti means the “coiled power.”

Usually, it is compared to a serpent that rests coiled, while resting or asleep.

Often, it is said to rise through the energy systems (when awoken), in the body (sometimes fiercely). Also, It’s purpose is to clear the energy systems. To dissolve our conditioned self, to become a higher Self; our whole Self.

It is well explained in the Tantra Traditions (eg The serpent Power) and is mentioned in the Upanishads (oldest known text with the word Kundalini).

The Kundalini phenomena is found in most traditions and mystical cultures. But, with different names and cultural story lines.

Kundalini Yoga

The task of Kundalini Shakti

The task of Kundalini is universally acknowledged as the transformation from material or matter (physical) to light or spirit. Or to our limitlessness. The Divine conscious power that resides within us is seen experienced and lived.

Also, In Hindu it is said to be a feminine power- a creative force! Known as Shakti.

Hence, in many cases a Kundalini awakening is not an easy path. As, it shakes up our reality. This energy can force us to reassess our lives. Enforcing us to let go of identification with our conditioned self.

Kundalini awakening Dharma

Consequently, this is not necessarily an all blissful and joyous journey. Although, it can be. It can take a long time to readjust. As suggested above one can feel like they are going bonkers.  It is always best to seek help. Wise help.

Take a look here at the Kundalini Emergency page for more information and resources. Or seek a genuine teacher, preferable a wise one, someone who has gone through it and has been on the path for more than 10 years (at least).

Eg Sri M for Hindu. Buddhist Undertsanding and The Gnostic tradition. So as you can see Kundalini is much greater than an inhale, an exhale and well practiced Cobra pose.

The Dharma teachings in the Yogic, Buddhist, Taoist and Gnostic traditions become not only useful but vital if one has awakened Kundalini. One begins to seek them, fervently, spontaneously, synchronistically.

What is Dharma

In Hinduism, dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with Ṛta, the order that makes life and universe possible,[10][note 1] and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and “right way of living”.[11] In Buddhism, dharma means “cosmic law and order”,[10] and is also applied to the teachings of Buddha

– Ok I asked WIKI

Dharma is often referred to in different ways. To some people it means the ‘right way’ of living, to others it means the ‘teachings’ of a tradition, to others the laws of nature. It is kind of the same thing.

Dharma is the insights to the principles of life that help us to understand the reality of the world and ourselves. The ancient teachings of these principles make our life path more harmonious, happier. As, if we understand these we can live in congruence with reality not against it.

Kundalini Yoga bali

Kundalini Myths

  1. Kundalini was not invented by nor did it originate with Sikh Yogi Bhajan (disturbing) – The first known written usage of the word Kundalini is in the sacred Vedic texts of the Upanishads (c. 1,000 B.C. – 500 B.C.).
  2. Kundalini is not dangerous – it is the life force. Trying to manipulate it without an experienced teacher (more than 10 years with experience) may be dangerous. Not because you are manipulating her but because psychological conditions of the practioner may become exacerbated by practices that an inexperienced teacher may not be able to deal with.
  3. Kundalini cannot be manipulated. Practices address energy, prana, psyche etc. Kundalini is the master of prana, energy etc… Practices are great, but mistaking experiences and pranic energy for a Kundalini awakening may be a deterrent on the path to Freedom. Not dangerous, but more a waste of time.
  4. It is highly unlikely that you will have an instant Kundalini awakening from doing a ‘Kundalini Yoga’ practice. It may be an experience of energy moving or an epiphany, but this may not necessarily be Kundalini rising.
  5. Kundalini does not require jerking body parts, hallucinations and other dramatic movement. This “jerk” yoga describes the uncontrolled manifestations of the body reacting to energy when put through practices (often not suitable to the aspirant). The symptoms of active kundalini are clarity, kindness, compassion, inspiration, fearlessness and sometimes mystic vision. Although much healing does occur as these qualities seek expression.
  6. Siddhis may occur yet as Patanjali advises in the Yoga Sutra’s  ‘they are obstacles’ to freedom. We have all learned the hard way.

here is an awesome discussion on Kundalini

According to the Bhagavata-purana “Liberation is simply the spiritual self dwelling in its own nature.

Bhagavata-purana II.10.6,

Personally, I had a spontaneous Kundalini awakening or experience some 15 years back. At the time I had no information, no idea at all what was happening. I had no yogic or spiritual knowledge beyond my early Catholic years.

Fortunately, it was a blissful experience and I had no fear what so ever. Yet, it shook up my world and the blissful experience was just an experience. Therefore, following it was intense psychological upheaval and a period of the dark night of the soul.

Although, I have had a long period of integrating through Yogic and Buddhist practices, I would never teach it nor encourage and focus on Kundalini. I would instead point to self knowledge and yogic practices for healing and spiritual awakening.

If Kundalini is to arise, she will, of her own accord. Then, I would suggest a teacher or teachings to guide you. Not me, As I still am not FREE.

But in the meantime, I would definitely recommend starting with going deeper into the Breath, reading a basic book on Yoga or What the Buddha Taught or the Tao and let Kundalini do what she does, keep you alive, breathing and if you are lucky show you a way to Nirvana!

Accordingly, if you would like to learn more about Kundalini, from a scholar of Sanskrit, Indian philosophy. And, someone who has personal experience, watch this video

warm blessings


Yoga bali for women
Megan Jackson runs meditation and yoga retreats for women’s healing. She has been immersed in spiritual practice and study for 15 years, living it fully, with humility and compassion as her backbones for progress. She lives a quiet life reflecting on the dharma, being with nature and helping others who are wanting change, transformation or spiritual wisdom.

Join her on the Meditation, healing and Yoga retreats in Bali 2020


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